Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So, this week may be the most challenging so far. . .. . it's my Birthday week. . . . I do celebrate a birthday month, but the week is even more special. So, I'm limited to Shake cake . . . . while yummy, not nearly the same as a Nothing Bunt Cakes cake or a Vons cake, or Albertson's, Costco, or even home made. . . . Yum!!! But, that is not for me this year. Instead, I get to celebrate 43.3 pounds lost!!! In just over 3 months (maybe close to 4 now). I haven't eaten out of the box once since starting on April 6th I can't have my birthday be the breakdown!!!

I'm 8.7 lbs away from no longer being in the 'obese' category, just the 'overweight category. That is exciting! It's been 6 years since I've been at a weight lower than 'obese' and even then, it was only for my wedding!

I just have to try on my old clothes that no longer fit to remind myself why a 'real' birthday cake is just not an option this year!!!

My treats to myself, instead of food, are 1) a nice 2 hr massage on Thursday night and 2) my motorcycle class this weekend!!! If I like & pass the motorcycle class then I get my scooter!!!!

I'm hoping to have someone take some pics this weekend with me on a bike. Maybe I'll post some 'before' and 'current' pics then. (Notice I didn't say 'after' cause I'm not 'after' yet. . . . still in the process of SHEDDING pounds!! Explanation on the use of shedding vs. losing to come in a future blog).

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