Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Experiences . . . . Challenges with PA

This week had new challenges & experiences. My challenges were to get in all the physical activity in. I was to do 2,000 calories worth which is approximately 300 calories per day. I didn't quite make it. Between the rain (yes, rain in April in San Diego -- what's up with that?!?!?!), prior committments in the evenings, and the desire to have a massage one night, impeded my ability to get in all my excersize. One of the challenges we were given this week was to try a new excersize for 10 min. I decided to do the stairs at work as mine, as it was raining out. There are 7 flights of stairs in the building I work in. I went up and down them 4 times -- that's 28 flights of stairs!!!! Needless to say my legs were very sore most of the week.

Other new experience & challenges this week had to do with lunch meetings that I had. Thursday the Program Managers went to a local sandwich shop & have a meeting. The pannini sandwiches smelled delicious, but the real challenge was the mac salad. This sandwich shop has one of THE best mac salads that they serve as a side to the sandwiches. However, I was good and had my vanilla shake with diet coke -- yum!!!!

The second challenge & experience was taking my project team out to Dave & Busters for lunch & an afternoon of fun & games. This time I took an entree as well as a shake. While I would have MUCH prefered to eat the food at Dave & Busters, it was good to have the self-controll (with help of my co-workers knowing what I am doing) not to stray off the diet. This is week 3 and I haven't eaten out of the box, not once!!!!

Yesterday we went to a ballgame in Anaheim which presented its own challenges. The biggest one was stopping at my parents house on the way back. We stayed for 'dinner'. My mother was making liver & onions which is one of my absolute favorites but I don't have it very often, 'cause its something I like mainly when she cooks it. Gary told me I could have a little and he wouldn't tell anyone. I however, said, but I would have to tell on myself and didn't feel it worth it. So I ate my mushroom risoto entree (for those that know me, know I HATE mushrooms. I'm learning to like them, but this entree wasn't too tasty).

We also made cookies & muffins this week with the shakes. Not too bad and they give a nice variety to the week.

I've placed my current stats (as of 4/19/10) below.

-- Mo

Weeks on program: 2
Height: 4'10 3/4"
Weight: 187
Total Lost: 11 lbs
Total to go: 57 - 67 lbs.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 2 -- In the books

Ok, so I decided not to blog everyday this week as there is only so much I can say about "not hungry," "like entrees," etc. However, I didn't mean for it to go a week without posting.

This week was very similar to week one, had my ups and downs, challenges and successes. On Friday I was extremely happy that my husband is doing this program with me. I hadn't done my excersize and was going to write the day off. Gary still needed to do some of his so he got me out and I did 30 min rather than the required 20 min that was a great feeling!!! Then yesterday he came home early from golfing (7:30 AM) as he decided not to play. I was on my "initial wake up" of Saturday morning and ready to get back into bed. He convinced me to stay up, we took the dog for a 30 min walk and then ran errands all day.

On Friday I decided to go to lunch with the 'gang' at work. Good news was they were going somewhere I really didn't like. So, I took my vanilla shake packet with me, ordered a water and diet coke, made a mess trying to make my shake, and then got a bowl to mix the remaining mix & soda in. Needless to say, diet coke mixed with vanilla shake was wonderful and because I was at a place where even the smell of the food is not appealing to me, I had no problem staying with just my shake. Of course the loaf of bread that came with one of the soups looked DELICIOUS. But, my co-workers also kept me honest.

If you are considering ANY type of medically supervised weight-loss program, I highly recommend you tell those around you, even if you are self conscience of the reaction you might get. I was very hesitant at first to tell those I work with, however, as I shared the information I received nothing but support. In addition, they encourage me to stick with it and have expressed happiness that I have chosen to change my life to be more healthy.

Tomorrow is the second weigh in while on the program. I'm expecting a loss of soewhere around 3 lbs, but ANYTHING is acceptable!!! I know I'm living healthier, I feel better, look better, and can't wait to be on the other side of this journey!!!

Ok, enough for now, gotta go find something 'fun' to do.


Monday, April 12, 2010

End of Week One

So while today is the 7th day of the program, it is actually the first day of week 2. It is also the first official weigh in of the program.

Great News!!! I'm down 8.5 lbs in the first week! While I know much of that was water, 8.5 lbs is still 8.5 lbs!!! WooHoo!!!

Tonight our instructor shared statistics of about 450 previous people on the program -- the more product you eat, the more weight you lose because the longer people stay on the program. The more product you eat, the more you "eat in the box" and thus are more successful.

So, my goal for this week is to ensure I don't get hungry. Which means, to eat as much product as I need. Not sure I can do more shakes than I did this last week, but, I'll try. Variety will definitely be the key.

My weight goal for this week is to lose 4 lbs. Regardless of what weight loss I have this week, any loss is good and I will be happy for it.

I've noticed I've been happier lately, a little less stressed; all good things.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 6

So today is day 6 on HMR. Wasn't a piece of cake, but wasn't bad. Had a touch of diareahha, which I've had off & on since starting the program. Funny thing is it isn't any better or worse than what I encountered prior to the program.

Talked to my sister today, told her what we were doing. She was extremely supportive. Not that I am surprised by that, but I could just hear her care & concern for Gary & I through the phone. It was definitely a nice affirmation of what we are doing.

Tomorrow is the first official weigh in, I'm curious to see how I "officially" did. I've been "cheating" in that I have weighed myself almost everyday (not supposed to do this but once per week outside of the 'official' weigh in) but couldn't help myself. The scale says I've lost 10 lbs -- in one week!!! Granted it is mainly water, but again, 10 lbs is 10 lbs. To excersize today, I used my WII fit, it had been 55 days since I had used it (I hate that it tells you that), but I had lost 3.5 lbs since last use, woohoo!!!!!

I have to say, having the flavorings saved me today -- used a flavor for each shake.

One cool side benefit of the program, which has nothing to do with the program itself, is that my employer has put an emphasis on getting healthy this year. We have a website to track activities, weight loss, participate in challenges, etc. By tracking items on the site I get points which put me in the running for quarterly drawings (items such as a Wii, 37" television, etc) and the annual prize which is 2 round trip tickets to anywhere within the US. Gotta get somewhere around 6,500 points by the end of Dec to be eligible for the grand prize drawing. I'm currently just below 1800, so, this is just a little bit extra motivation for me to drink my water, get my excersize in and lose weight.

Something that I need to work on is getting to bed earlier during the week (and on the weekends). I find myself still staying up too late at night.

That said, I'm off to bed (hahahahaha).

Nite, nite!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 5 -- First Weekend Day on Program

So, today is day 5. It is also the first weekend day on the program. A little rough, but not too bad. Hubby & I went for a 35 min. walk this afternoon -- took puppy with with us. He got a little tired out!

One of the hardest thing is the lack of variety -- so, we went and bought 4 new sugar free torani syrups, peppermint, peanut butter, strawberry & Irish cream (YUM!!). Also went to the store and got sugar free butterscotch pudding (one of the recipes from the book). Tried it tonight, and YUM!!!!!!!

One of the things I've realized is that I am a 'bored eater'. I eat to deal with boredom. I do not like to sit in front of the television & 'do nothing' yet that is what a lot of our life is about right now. Gotta change that and get to where I am productive most days -- or at least do one personally productive thing each day.

I am sure as I continue on this journey I will have many more revelations. I'm just hoping that I can learn from each one of them and make the adjustments necessary to be successful not only with this program but in my life as well.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 4 -- Not so Bad Today

Day 4 of HMR -- I do miss some foods. I am surprised by the food cravings I have had. As I posted a few days ago I got a craving for egg salad; yesterday was chinese food today was california rolls (minus the avocado). However, it's going to be a LONG time before I eat 'normal' food again.

Today was an easier day than yesterday -- not a walk in the park, but tolerable (much more so than yesterday). Still didn't get my physical activity in today, although there is still time.

I'm starting to have more energy during the day and clearer thinking -- which is quite nice!!!

Ok, enough for now.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 3 -- The Most Challenging So Far

So today was day three of HMR. The day started off well enough, in fact, I wasn't hungry when I woke up this morning. That all quickly changed and I became more hungry than I have been either of the 2 days prior.

On day 1 I pondered if the hunger I was feeling was physical or psychological; I think much of day 1's hunger was psychological. Today definitely felt physical. Also having problems with the vitamins & potassium supplement I am supposed to be taking. My tummy doesn't seem to like the binding agents in most vitamins. The potassium is just a huge horse pill (as is the vitamin), but it sticks in my throat a little and I can't lie down for 30 min. after taking it -- you know how much that freaks me out.

Gary's off tomorrow, which he is a little nervous about. I can totally relate as I am not really looking forward to this weekend. Must find lots of activities to do to keep my mind busy.

I didn't get my physical excersize in today, but that's just how it is sometimes, just didn't feel up to it. However, I MUST do my minimum physical activity tomorrow for sure.

I know everything I've heard and read says the first week to two weeks is the hardest. I am REALLY looking forward to being beyond the 2nd week!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 2

Today was day 2 of HMR. It was definitely better than day 1. Still got hungry, but wasn't ravenous or feeling deprived. I do have to say I've had some pretty interesting smells/cravings . . . egg salad, hamburger (that's because someone was barb-q-ing this evening). I'm glad I got a few entrees as I have had one each night for dinner -- definitely helps break up the monotony of shakes and cereals; that and the benefit bars (although I've only tried one so far).

Another item I noticed this morning was that I was more alert upon immediately waking up -- didn't get any more sleep than normal but definitely felt more alert. Shall be interesting to see if it continues.

Ok, as I am feeling hungry again, I'm off to bed.

-- Mo

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 1 -- Physical or Psychological. . . . . .

So, I'm almost through my first day on HMR. It's been an interesting day. I've felt hungry ALL day, but, is this truly physical or is it just my brain knowing that I'm on a different eating plan so it's 'feeling' hungry for me? That will be an interesting thing to contemplate over the next week or so.

So far I've had 4 shakes, 2 cereals and 1 entree today. .. . I'll probably have one more shake before the night is over. Oh, and I forgot to mention the 100+ ounces of water.

I got 2 10 minute walks in, which is a decent start.

Everyone at work is really supportive which is nice. I'm just hoping I get less hungry over the next few days and that I don't turn into a b*tch as time goes on.

Ok, enough from me tonight -- nighty, night!


Monday, April 5, 2010

The Journey Begins. . . . . .

In this blog I hope to chronicle my weight loss journey, the highs and the lows, the successes and the trials, as my husband and I start the Health Management Resource (HMR) medically supervised weight loss plan.

If you had asked me 10 years ago if I would ever do something like this, I would have said no, if you asked me 5 years ago, the answer still would have been no, even 1 year ago, the answer would have been no. . . . . but here I am, about to start this new adventure.

We decided to the HMR medically supervised program about 1 & 1/2 months ago. Since then its been a process of doctor appointments and waiting for the class to start. Tonight was the first night! Tomorrow will be the first full day of HMR, boy am I nervous!

When we decided to do the program, I looked for blogs on others experience with HMR, their successes and trials and what they found to get them through (in addition to wanting inspirational stories). Needless to say, there wasn't much 'current' stuff out there. So, I decided to blog about my experience. I hope to keep this blog updated weekly, possibly more. To not only inspire myself, but to help provide inspiration to others who are either embarking upon a similar journey, are in the middle of their journey & those who are in the wings waiting for that 'moment'.

I can't believe I am going to post my stats here, as many friends & acquaintances may come across this blog, but if I want to be an inspiration, it is important to know where I started and where I am going, here goes. . . . ..

Gender: Female
Age: 38
4' 10 3/4"
198.5 lbs (GULP)
BMI = 40

1st goal: 135; BMI = 28
2nd goal: 123; BMI = 25

So, if you stumble across my blog and feel inspired by it, please drop me a line, I'd love to know your story.
